This Biblical Christianity website encourages people to know and to live, God’s Word; thus enabling us to live now as God intended for us to live, and preparing us for eternal life in God’s kingdom.
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The objective we are attempting to arrive at and establish is that there are numerous considerations that taken collectively indicate that the Bible truly is the Word of God and thus the only authoritative and completely reliable source of truth?
Brief description of the Bible:
God has revealed to us, in the Bible, all the necessary elements and information that make for a complete and satisfying life, it just remains for us to search them out and live by them. The Bible gives us the most concise, and at the same time the most extensive information about the whole of life – answers all the most important questions, which no other source or combination of sources of information can. The sixty-six books of the Bible should be our final authority and standard in assessing all other information, because it is the Truth of God as revealed to His servants (1 Cor. 2:12-13; 2 Tim. 3:14-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). Moses is believed to have compiled the first five books of the Bible called the Pentateuch. The Bible was written by about 40 different inspired authors, during a period of about 1500 years, covering about 4000 years of history. None of the original manuscripts are known to be in existence, but of these original writings Evangelical Christianity has historically believed them to be the very words of God given to men and completely free of error. Jesus fully authenticated the Old Testament Scriptures and used and taught them throughout His earthly ministry (Luke 24:25-47).
As writer after writer added to the Holy Writ, a mountain of indisputable evidence began to accumulate, without any contradictions and with the capability of being checked out by historians and archeologists, and is well proven by fulfilled prophesy. We have had the completed Bible now for about 1900 years. The Bible has probably been examined and scrutinized by more scholars than any other material ever written. Any sincere person that will take the time to carefully examine the Bible cannot help but be overwhelmed by the fulness and accuracy of the revelation contained therein. Thus, God has proven Himself to any rational human being through His written Word – it probably could not have been done any other way!
It is not reasonable to believe that the translations from the original manuscripts are free from all error. For one thing, there are groups that have had translations made to support their particular views, instead of being faithful to God’s Word. Secondly, it is very difficult to translate from one language into another; but, we are assured by the experts that the better English translations have only minimal copyist errors, such as a number or a misspelled name, and also that they do not effect any doctrinal issues. To find a website where you will find help understanding and choosing between the various translations, Click Here.
We know from the Scriptures that Satanic influences were already at work in the first century Church, it has continued down through the centuries and has increased tremendously in the last few years. Multitudes are being lead astray without even realizing it, both inside and outside the Church. Basically, we could say that Biblical Christianity believes, trusts and relies upon what God has revealed to us in His Word; while those who have lost confidence in the Bible put more confidence in human ability and understanding, and feel free to disregard or explain away the Word of God, either intentionally or unintentionally. It is done intentionally by those who have no confidence in God’s Word; it is sometimes done unintentionally by good, well-meaning people who fail to rightly interpret or understand God’s Word, and then misapply it.
Historically, Christianity has accepted the Bible as God’s authoritative, infallible and inspired Word because it was God who moved upon men to record it – as the following Scriptures state. "Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God's will in thought, purpose, and action), so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Tim. 3:16-17). "[Yet] first [you must] understand this, that no prophecy of Scripture is [a matter] of any personal or private or special interpretation (loosening, solving). For no prophecy ever originated because some man willed it [to do so--it never came by human impulse], but men spoke from God who were borne along (moved and impelled) by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:20-21).
The following quote is from Dave Hunt’s book In Defense of The Faith.
Incomparable Reliability
As for the validity of the Old Testament manuscripts and their reliability, consider the following from Princeton’s Robert D. Wilson in his book Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament. Fluent in over 40 Semitic languages, he was one of the greatest language experts and scholars of all time. Professor Wilson writes:
For forty-five years continuously . . . I have devoted myself to the one great study of the Old Testament, in all its languages, in all its archaeology, in all its translations.
[T]he critics of the Bible who go to it in order to find fault . . . claim to themselves all knowledge and all virtue and all love of truth. One of their favorite phrases is, "All scholars agree." When a man [says that] . . . I wish to know who the scholars are and why they agree. Where do they get their evidence . . . ? I defy any man to make an attack upon the Old Testament on the ground of evidence that I cannot investigate. . . .
After I learned the necessary languages I set about the investigation of every consonant in the Hebrew Old Testament. There are about a million and a quarter of these; and it took me many years to achieve my task. I had to observe the variations of the text . . . in the manuscripts, or in the notes of the Massoretes . . . or in the various versions, or in the parallel passages, or in the conjectural emendations of critics; and then I had to classify the results . . . to reduce the Old Testament criticism to an absolutely objective science; something which is based on evidence, and not on opinion. . . .
The result of those 45 years’ study which I have given to the text has been this; I can affirm that there is not a page of the Old Testament concerning which we need have any doubt. . . .
[For example, to illustrate its accuracy]: There are 29 ancient kings whose names are mentioned not only in the Bible but also on monuments of their own time. . . . There are 195 consonants in these 29 proper names. Yet we find that in the documents of the Hebrew Old Testament there are only two or three out of the entire 195 about which there can be any question of their being written in exactly the same way as they were inscribed on their own monuments [which archaeologists have to date discovered]. Some of these go back 4,000 years and are so written that every letter is clear and correct. . . .
If anyone talks about the Bible, ask him about the kings mentioned in it. There are 29 kings referred to, and ten different countries among these 29; all of which are included in the Bible and on monuments. Every one of these is given his right name in the Bible, his right country, and placed in correct chronological order. Think what that means. . . !
End of quote from Dave Hunt’s book (pp. 77-79).
The following quote is from John Ankerberg & John Weldon’s book, Encyclopedia of Cults And New Religions, by Harvest House Publishers in 1999:
In their book, Ankerberg and Weldon have put together the following substantiating list of what is, in my opinion, undeniable proof that the Bible is indeed the very Word of God, and nothing else is. "The God of Scripture has revealed Himself as a God of truth, so errors in the autographs (the original writings) would prove that God was not their author. Indeed, since no other religion offers genuine evidence for belief in their God, apart from the Bible we are forced to remain agnostic about God. He might exist, but beyond general revelation we can know nothing about Him" (p. 666).
The Uniqueness of the Bible:
- The Bible is the only book in the world that offers objective evidence to be the Word of God. Only the Bible gives real proof of its divine inspiration.
- The Bible is the only religious Scripture in the world that logically can be considered inerrant in the autographs.
- The Bible is the only ancient book with documented scientific and medical prevision. No other ancient book is ever carefully analyzed along scientific lines, but many books have been written on the theme of the Bible and modern science.
- The Bible is that only religious Scripture that offers eternal salvation as a free gift entirely by God’s grace and mercy.
- The Bible is the only major ancient religious Scripture whose complete textual preservation is established as virtually autographic.
- The Bible contains the greatest moral standards of any book.
- Only the Bible begins with the creation of the universe by divine fiat and contains a continuous, if often brief and interspersed, historical record of mankind from the first man, Adam, to the end of history.
- Only the Bible contains detailed prophecies about the coming Savior of the world and whose prophecies have proven true in history.
- Only the Bible has the most realistic view of human nature, the power to convict people of their sin and the ability to change human nature.
- Only the Bible has unique theological content including theology proper (the Trinity; God’s attributes); soteriology (depravity, imputation, grace, propitiation/atonement, reconciliation, regeneration, union with Christ, justification, adoption, sanctification, eternal security, election and so on); Christology (the incarnation; hypostatic union); pneumatology (the Person and work of the Holy Spirit); eschatology (detained predictions of the end of history); ecclesiology (the nature of the church as Christ’s bride and its organic union with Him); and more.
- Only the Bible offers a realistic and permanent solution to the problem of human sin and evil.
- Only the Bible has its accuracy confirmed in history by archeology and other sciences.
- The internal and historical characteristics of the Bible are unique in its unity and internal consistency despite production over a 1,500 year period by 40-plus authors in three languages on three continents discussing scores of controversial subjects yet having agreement an all issues.
- The Bible is the most translated, purchased, memorized and persecuted book in history.
- Only the Bible is fully one-quarter prophetic, containing a total of some 400 complete pages of predictions.
- Only the Bible has withstood 2,000 years of intense scrutiny by critics, not only surviving the attacks but prospering and having its credibility strengthened by such criticism. (Voltaire, and not a few cult leaders, predicted that the Bible would be extinct within 100 years; within 50 years Voltaire was extinct and his house was a warehouse of the Geneva Bible Society.)
- The Bible has molded the history of Western civilization more than any other book. The Bible has had more influence in the world than any other book.
- Only the Bible has a Person-specific (Christ-centered) nature for each of its 66 books, detailing the Person’s life in prophecy, type, anti-type and so on 400-1,500 years before the Person was born.
- Only the Bible proclaims a resurrection of its central figure that is proven in history.
- Only the Bible provides historic proof that the one true God loves mankind.
End of quote from Encyclopedia of Cults And New Religions (pp. 670-671).
If we catalog all the people in this world into a few basic groups, we can then better understand the present circumstance we are living in: (1) There are those who have no knowledge of God or His Word; (2) there are those who have heard or read God’s Word, but have no real understanding concerning it; (3) there are those who, for various reasons, reject it; and then of course (4) there are those who have believed and accepted God’s Word and salvation plan.
Those in the third group that reject God’s Word have their own reasons for doing so, usually it is because they can’t believe or don’t want to believe and accept the report. Many in this condition become atheists or agnostics, believing that there is no god or that if he does exist he can’t be known. There are others in this group who begin searching for another source of information to explain our existence, and they become very susceptible to Satan’s various avenues of deception. If these people believe the deception they have received to be true, oftentimes they begin to build what they have discovered into a philosophy that they then pass on to others. This is how opposing viewpoints are developed, and the Word of God is brought into question. None of these opposing viewpoints have any validity and upon close examination are exposed as fraudulent.
This is a simple explanation of this world, in which we live with many false philosophies that have become prominent in various cultures and that are adversely effecting our lives and surroundings. But since there is so much evidence that proves there is only one God and that He has revealed Himself and what He has done in the Bible, why do so many people still choose to believe the self-proclaimed philosophies of the deceived? Mostly it is because they have never examined the superabundance of evidence in support of the Bible, some of which we have presented here. Hopefully and prayerfully, this article will be the beginning of your doing so!